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Steven prides himself on helping others secure their dreams through confidence and strength building, teaching others how to market those strengths as assets, and helping others position themselves in the marketplace where they possess the greatest value. Steven has trained professionals globally as an Entrepreneur and Engineer.  From traveling to Europe and the middle east to train electricians and engineers, Steven is intentional about implementing and institutionalizing development opportunities for all. As founder and CEO of Dreams Imagination & Gift Development (DIG), Steven has helped to cultivate his mission into a 50 employee driven leadership development platform that seeks to change the world through STEM one rural community at a time.  Through Steven’s leadership,  DIG’s mentoring program has graduated over 30 youth who have graduated college and pursued respective careers. Steven has helped both youth and adults achieve their educational goals, career goals and has inspired many to pursue their passions. Steven has convened workshops and keynotes for school administrators, corporate leadership events and youth leadership programs.  He has led efforts in helping small businesses and startups with the launch of their companies.  As an entrepreneur,  he manages multiple for-profit ventures that not only generate revenue but serve their respective communities. His efforts to bring broadband and a digital ecosystem to rural communities is of top priority.  These efforts have been successful in multiple counties across the state of South Carolina and have helped to generate successful pathways for multiple small businesses.

The Focus

Steven has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and has been an advocate for STEM working to provide educational enrichment opportunities to youth in underserved areas. Steven founded the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) based non-profit Dreams Imagination & Gift Development Program (DIG) in 2014 with a mission to provide STEM programs to youth in rural communities.   DIG has grown by over 900% and provides STEM afterschool programs, STEM Summer Camps, STEM Festivals, STEM competitions, STEM Curriculum and Mentoring programs in rural communities across South Carolina.  Through Steven’s leadership, kids in the rural south are more interested in STEM careers.  Steven uses this platform to ensure STEM programs are implemented in the school districts, and serves as a bridge between the STEM workforce and schools.  Steven has also taught engineering on the college level to further enrich and encourage youth to pursue a career in STEM.

Steven has 15 years of engineering design and management experience through his work with fortune 500 companies GE and Flour Corporation.  Steven’s experience and training as an engineer has taught him to be innovative, to solve problems with a solution-oriented and process effectiveness mindset.  Steven’s role as an engineer has taught him that if something doesn’t exist you can create it, and where there is chaos there is opportunity. Steven has used this experience to help small businesses, industries, leaders, educators and local governments with strategic planning and scalability.  Steven has led broadband initiatives in rural communities, worked with school systems and industry to develop plans that bridge gaps between the educational system and 21st Century workforce.  Steven works with government and local industries to identify growth opportunities and to raise funding for business startups, infrastructure improvement and educational programming.  He has worked with leaders and stakeholder professionals to develop processes and strategies to improve their business ROI, provide business startup solutions, improve efficiency, and increase positive outcomes.

Although unique to date, Steven’s career path has garnered common themes of giving back and knowledge sharing. Steven uses his experiences as an engineer, entrepreneur, STEM educator, youth advocate and leader to provide keynote addresses and training on real world, practical solutions to help build stronger community ecosystems. Steven’s work will inspire, educate and provide the spark needed for companies, educators, youth, entrepreneurs and leaders to secure their dreams.  Keynote topics include but are not limited to “Personal and Business Branding (Branding 101)”, “Community Leadership and Engagement”, “Success Building”, “Providing STEM to the Gifted but Underserved”, “Pursuit of Purpose on a Budget”, “Solution Thinking in a World of Problems”.  Custom keynotes based on the specific needs of the group or organization are available upon request. 

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