Helping Founders, Leaders and Organizations Secure their Dream.

Steven Brown is invested in providing real solutions to preserve our great communities, ensure our businesses thrive, and clear pathways for our youth to secure their dreams. With a diverse background in engineering, workforce development, education, non-profit and entrepreneurship, Steven provides a holistic approach to bringing immediate solutions to communities across the country. Dedicated to sharing knowledge and insight with other leaders globally, Steven aims to leverage his foundational knowledge in professional development, coaching, public speaking, training, workforce development, and youth advocacy to empower communities.


Securing the dream

Steven Brown is invested in providing real solutions to preserve our great communities, ensure our businesses thrive, and clear pathways for our youth to secure their dreams. With a diverse background in engineering, workforce development, education, and non-profit entrepreneurship, Steven provides a holistic approach to bringing immediate solutions to communities across the country. Dedicated to sharing knowledge and insight with other leaders globally, Steven aims to leverage his foundational knowledge in professional development, coaching, public speaking, training, workforce development, and youth advocacy to empower communities.

"Big Dreams do come from small places and
With a Plan, Purpose, Proper Leadership you can
Secure the Dream."


Local Industries

Local and potential industries are vital to secure a growing economy and retain residents.

Local Government

Involving local government is imperative in building a structure for the community's economic growth and sustainability.

Mixed-Use Development

Compounding office, retail, commercial, and residential space in one central location to produce vibrancy and a personality for our community.


Community organization is the heartbeat of the community. When the community's residents are vested in its growth and development, communities then thrive.


Our youth are the pillars of our community and the source of our future. Educating our youth is essential to community growth.


Nonprofits play a pivotal role in building healthy communities by providing critical services that contribute to economic stability.

How We Grow

Connecting the dots to a thriving organizations

It all starts with a single first step.

To make positive change, we must first identify the problems and build a strategic plan to build a solution.  We connect the dots between what makes rural towns remarkable and what makes America thrive by thinking outside of the box to create a rural community of the 21st Century. There are so many things that make small towns a great place to live and raise a family, but there are also areas for growth.  We have built a strategic plan that honors the core values of Williston and taps into what makes larger cities thrive. Here’s our strategic approach to building a thriving rural community that not only retains residents but attracts new residents.

Let's build together!

When a community feels vested a community thrives. We will restore Hope and Prosperity of a promising future by forming a collaborative strategy group. Our strategy group will involve community organizations, legislators, faith organizations, industries, schools, and colleges. The group will work to retain our town's vibrant personality while strategically planning ways to restore a sense of community and involvement in our future growth and development.
Mitigate immediate life, health and safety issues by upgrading the town's existing infrastructure to modern systems. We will also find creative ways to reduce cost by combining ongoing and future infrastructure projects.
Plan & Budget
Provide a detailed plan and budget to expand internet and broadband access throughout the community. This will increase internet speeds so that students can learn virtually, parents can take virtual at home jobs; small businesses can work more efficient. This plan will attract more businesses and industries so that they have the infrastructure needed to build a thriving company.
Plan & Budget
Build a versatile facility to attract industries that will provide workforce training, recreation, event space, and co-working spaces within a multi-purposed infrastructure.
Listen to provide solutions to the community's needs. If it doesn't exist, we will identify resources and partners to achieve it.

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Jefferson Awards for Public Service

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" With a Dream, Vision, Plan,Purpose, and Proper Leadership you can secure your dream."


Get up-to-date information on the campaign, events, and ways you can support me in my efforts.

Restoring hopes and dreams

Steven is invested in providing real solutions to preserve the very thing that makes rural communities great. He plans to listen to feedback, while being innovative to make dreams come true for those living in Williston, SC.  BIG dreams do  come from small places, but especially in Williston, SC. 


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